Sunday, March 25, 2018

Happy April Fool's Day

Image result for april fool

april first is april fool's day

which means you can play a fault, and tease someone without too much damage

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Image result for april fool 

Image result for april fool   
Image result for april fool

Thursday, March 22, 2018

poetry and story inn fridays week 16 (march 22, april 8, 2018)

hello, how do you do?
why? why do you cry?
we dance out footsteps to Houston, Denton, New Orleans, Atlanta, Little Rock, Lawrence,
we have so much fun with bob Young, jeff Bezos, Steven Jobs, Jeff Power, Peter Constantin

let it go,
let morton burgers come
let off a human named Joe
let Spring Break cheer up your shy-away Chin

while quansen jiu, xiaojin xu, kun zhao, li guan, ted cruz, heidi cruz wonder
while david boren, sally asher, kate raun, chris raun, and ying li watch,
we sing a song
and let more profound people poem along

Thursday, March 8, 2018

poetry and story inn fridays week 15 (march 8, to march 25, 2018)

hot tea,
for me??????????????????????????
cold apple cide,
for you??????????????????????????

Tearific Christmas,
Bear -Merry Thomas,
Sherry Woolitons.
Jolly Holly Wood Marts.............!!!!!!!!!!

it is time to feel the spring rain,
relax at your shaded porch,
think of your life before, after, and in between,
and let all know Lorain, Sabrina, Bruno, Nathan, Overman, Bryant, Gosney, Hargis, Cruz, Trump